Director of Education Heather Sullivan Bulletin Messages
January-February 2013 Shalom!, In the last Sinai Bulletin I wrote about how we all belong and how much or little you choose to do is really up to you. I want to mention how much being involved can really make a difference. Over the past two months or so we have had a few adult volunteers coming in for about an hour during our Tuesday Hebrew program. For the most part, these volunteers have worked with a number of students in very small groups. For some of these students this was the added boost that they needed to catch up with their peers. For others, this time in small groups, gave them a little added focus, which they greatly benefitted from. And for one student, a little one on one time, helped her to feel excited about the Hebrew program, which had become a little "boring" from her perspective. Her father told me one afternoon after a Hebrew session, in which this little girl work with a volunteer, that his daughter said him, "My Hebrew tutor was awesome today,” and she hadn’t been that excited in a long time." When I shared this news with the volunteer, she was thrilled and was able to see how truly valuable a little volunteerism can be. Thank you to Diane Friedberg, Susanne Simon, Rachel Sampson and Karen Mendelsohn for their time and energy during our Tuesday afternoon Hebrew program. So I open our Tuesday afternoon doors to you. If you would like to help out with our Hebrew program, please do not hesitate to contact me. Our students will thank you for it and I’m sure you will get something out of it as well! L'hitraot, November-December 2012 Shalom!, One of the goals that I had set out for myself when I accepted the position as the Director of Education was to build upon the sense of camaraderie at Sinai Temple. This spirit of community is what makes Sinai unique and inviting. A poignant moment for me occurred this summer. A mother came to me and said,"My daughter wants to do more here. My family is not religious but we are Jewish and my daughter asked to come to Hebrew School last year so I signed her up. Now she wants to join Shir Fun and attend services more often." Moments like these encapsulate why I have chosen to become more involved at Sinai. When I am a student at Sinai, I feel secure in taking risks where my fellow classmates have so much in common with me. When I am a parent at Sinai, I understand my own children’s sense of belonging as they become increasingly more involved. When I am a congregant at Sinai, I am amazed to see my peers spend hours of their time, volunteering because they care so much. When I am a teacher at Sinai, I witness the bonding between senior members of our congregation and Grade 8 students. When I am a Director at Sinai, I have pride in watching students and teachers alike laugh and learn together. When I consider what will help to make this community even stronger, even closer, I can’t help but remember my summers spent at a Jewish overnight camp in Maine. Without even attempting, the friendships form, the bonds secure, and the community is united. That is what we have done at Sinai. Whether intentional or not, the camaraderie that our young people have forged, is from the safe evironment and opportunity that we allow them. Being involved at Sinai means being part of that community. That is where the choice lies. How involved you and your family are is up to you. Whether you choose to belong is not up to you. You do belong. L'hitraot, October 2012 Shalom!, On September 9th, we kicked off our 5773 school year. We had a fantastic first day of Religious School, with students, and staff alike, excited to be back at Sinai. Some highlights of the day included welcoming our newest staff members, madrichim and students to the Reli- gious School. The Religious School Committee welcomed back parents with coffee and scrumptious baked goods. Thanks to Marcia Gordenstein and Barbara Winer, the fifth grade class will be adding some new beautiful artwork to our sukkah this year. Also, thank you to Cantor Levson for his sukkah building demonstration and sukkah blue- print. Hopefully we will all some see a few more sukkot out and about this year in our neighborhoods! A delicious picnic prepared by Men of Sinai concluded our opening day of Religious School. Hebrew for Grades 3-7 and Confirmation Class be- gan on Tuesday, September 11th. We began our day by welcoming the new third graders to Hebrew School with some challah and honey, wishing all of the Hebrew students a sweet new year. We also welcomed two other newcomers to Tuesday afternoon. Ron and Noam, Israeli Emissaries, will both be helping out in our Hebrew class- rooms. Mazal Tov to all of our teachers and madrichim for a wonderful start to the new year. Thanks to Joel Solomon for taking class pictures for the Religious School. I hope to see you all at our Sukkot and Simchat Torah celebrations in the coming weeks. Please “like” us on Facebook and find out the latest news from the Religious School. —Heather September 2012 Shalom!, I can't believe the 5773 school year is just around the corner. I am so thrilled to join you this year as the Director of Education. We have some exciting news to share from the Religious School. I am happy to welcome aboard Loren Hutner and Jay Mustain, who will both be teaching on Tuesday afternoons. Sherry DelGallo and Nina King, are also two new teachers that we welcome to Sunday mornings. Each new staff person brings his/ her own unique Jewish experience. That is what makes Sinai Temple so wonderful. This year we will try to transition the Madrichim Program (the program for high-school aged aides in our classrooms) into a true leadership program. Our hope is that students, aged 14-17, who join us as aides will learn and grow in such ways that they may become teachers with the Religious School while still in high school. I am pleased to announce that Liz Levson and Rachel Sherman, two well-seasoned 11th grade Madrichot, will be co-teaching one of our Tuesday afternoon Hebrew classrooms. I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday, September 9, 2012 for our first day of school. Be sure to stick around and learn how to build your very own sukkah at our first Sukkah Building Workshop, immediately following school on opening day. Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy 5773. L'hitraot,
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