Over 45 students are already part of Kehillah.
We know that there are some of you who just needed time to adjust
to the
beginning of a new school year. As things calm down and you settle
into a routine,
please consider joining us for KEHILLAH, a program that brings
8th and 9th graders from all the synagogues in our community. All
Grade 8 and
9 students meet together on Tuesday evenings from 6:30p.m. – 8:30p.m
student takes a Core Course, specific for each grade and also chooses
an elective.
For more information, please call the Religious School Office at
Kehillah is made possible through funding
by the B’Yachad
Fund, The Harold
Grinspoon Foundation, The Jewish Endowment Fund of Western
Massachusetts, The Nirenberg Foundation, The Ronald & Brenna
Family Charitable Fund, The Ruth K. & Ralph G.Webber Family
Foundation and the Wendy & Neal Webber Family Fund.