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School Programming

      Sunday morning is a special time at Sinai Temple Religious School for students in Kindergarten through Grade 7.  Students attend from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. during which time they engage in the study of Torah, Jewish values, laws and customs, holidays, history, Hebrew language and other special topics. 

      Students are taught utilizing developmentally appropriate materials and methods to support them in their endeavors to live Jewishly and encourage the development of a life long interest in Jewish learning.

      We work very diligently to develop a sense of community among our students and parents.  To that end we encourage parents to take advantage of our parent and family programming, and continue to develop school wide programs that bring either all or an extended part of our student body together. 

      Hebrew classes for students in grades 3-6, take place on Tuesday afternoons from 3:45-5:15. The Hebrew program is Mitkadem, an independent program for individual growth and progress.  Students begin this program in Grade 1 and continue through the 7th grade. 

       We celebrate the changing needs and abilities of our seventh grade students by changing the format for Hebrew School in Simchat Sheva on Tuesdays from 5:00p.m. to 6:30p.m.  On occasion 7th graders join the 8th, 9th and 10 graders for dinner. Through hands on learning and utilization of primary texts, students engage in the beginnings of adult study .In addition to delving into Jewish texts, learning what the texts are and how they are relevant to the students, they focus their Hebrew study on the prayers of the Torah Service and Kaddish.

      Our post B’Nai Mitzvah students have a number of opportunities to spend time together both socially and in study.  Several times during the year the 8, 9, and 10th grade students get together for programs and dinner, or sometimes dessert at the end of the night.  Having them all in the building together makes for a joyous and engaging atmosphere.

      Our 8th graders attend classes in trimesters of six and seven weeks, on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 p.m. During the first term students interact with a group of our own Sinai Temple senior citizens, utilizing the SPARK/HeartAction program, learning the central Jewish values related to service to the elderly and volunteering.  The second term students explore world religions, and the third term, students learn how Jewish text and values are valuable tools for guiding their self image and peer relationships, utilizing URJ’s Sacred Choices Curriculum, Middle School Modules.

      In acknowledgement of the changing needs and challenges of our 9th grade students, this class meets on eight Tuesday evenings in the fall, and eight Tuesday evenings in late winter/early spring, from 6:30p.m. to 8:00p.m. In the fall term students continue their study of Sacred Choices Curriculumwith High School modules that engage teens in Jewish text study and activities and discussions involving making safe and ethical choices in their dating and sexual behavior. During the Winter/Spring semester students study current social issues and the Reform Jewish response to these issues.  The semester culminates with a trip to the Religious Action Center in Washington D.C. where students will meet with about 250 other Reform Jewish teens from around the country to learn, socialize and make a trip to the congressional offices to lobby for an issue they feel is important to them.  It is an amazing experience for all who attend.

      10th Grade students meet with the Rabbi each Tuesday night from 8:00p.m.  Students have dinner together, with the Rabbi, and continue the evening with study of what Judaism means in their lives. The Civil Rights Tour in Alabama is definitely a highlight of the year.


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