And Other Important Information It is our hope that communication between teachers and parents will be on-going. We encourage our teachers to be in touch with you, both about the class and about your child, through the mail and by telephone or e-mail. At the beginning of the school year, teachers will send home a letter of introduction which includes their telephone number and other ways to be in touch. (Please do not call teachers or the Director of Education on Shabbat). Written progress reports will be sent home in the winter and the spring. If there is an important occurrence in your child's life (family illness, birth of a child, etc.), it would be helpful to us and to your child if we are notified. These types of occurrences may effect your child’s functioning in school and we want to be of assistance if we can. Should you have concern about your child's progress, please speak with the teacher or the Director of Education. The earlier we can identify and discuss any problems, the more likely we are to be able to find a constructive and successful solution. In other words, even if your concern is over something small, call! Better to deal with the concern when it is still small. Of course, it is also wonderful to hear from parents who have positive feedback to offer! We want all students to have a positive Jewish education and to be part of the classroom and synagogue community to the greatest extent possible. To that end, please notify us at the beginning of the year about any learning disabilities or other special needs to which we should be sensitive. For students with special needs, it is most helpful for parents (and the student as applicable) to talk about specific needs. Any written evaluations are also helpful. The information is then shared with the teacher (with permission of the parents) either through the Director of Education or in a meeting with the parents. We know that this is sometimes difficult. Please be assured that all information is kept strictly confidential. To the extent that we are able, we try to provide students with additional materials and personnel to assist them in the classroom. The mitzvah of tzedakah (righteous giving) is an important part of understanding Jewish values and putting them into action. During the course of the year the school will embark on several projects. We hope that each student will bring a small amount of tzedakah each Sunday. Taken together, the school as a whole can raise a great amount of money for the sake of important projects around the world.
The Mitzvah Habbit You can’t miss it! Every time you enter the Temple, you see the box for THE OPEN PANTRY on the floor outside the Temple office. Sometimes the box is full; sometimes it’s fairly empty. But every week the Open Pantry truck comes by to scoop up whatever the box contains and take it back to the Open Pantry You can help keep the box full. Here’s how. Whenever you go shopping, buy an extra non-perishable food item. Then whenever you come to the Temple, bring along your food item and drop it in the box. If you’re coming to a meeting or services, if you’ve got business in the office, if your child is coming to Religious School, start a new MITZVAH HABIT. Bring some food along and place it in the box for the OPEN PANTRY.
| © 2017/5777
Sinai Temple 1100 Dickinson St. Springfield Massachusetts 01108 |
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