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  Scholar in Residence October 2007

Israel Turns 60: How Did We Get Here? Why Does it Matter to Us?

Sinai Temple's Scholar-in-Residence Weekend with Stephen M. Berk, Professor of History at Union College launches a year of adult learning and kicks off Sinai's year-long celebration of Israel's 60th anniversary.

Open to the Public Saturday, October 20 and Sunday, October 21

A thought provoking weekend exploring the importance of the modern Jewish State of Israel and its impact on our lives. Lead by Stephen Berk, renowned as an inspiring Union College teacher and scholar. Professor Berk will be at Sinai to share his knowledge and good humor for a full weekend as Israel's anniversary approaches.

Professor Berk

Saturday, October 20
Shabbat Morning Study Sessions (Come to one or both sessions)

9:00 to 10:00 a.m.
Zionism: A study of some classic texts before and after Theodor Herzl

10:15 to 11:45 a.m.
Arabs and Jews: A history of the encounter between Islam and our people

Sunday, October 21
9:00 to 10:30 a.m.
Breakfast and Learning
Zionism Going Forward: What lies ahead for Israel? Why should it matter for us?
Why should it matter for our children?

This event launches an exciting year of Adult Education programming at Sinai. We welcome all interested adults to join us as we explore the world of adult Jewish learning. Also in October, the congregation will be offering Hebrew reading classes from beginning to intermediate levels. At the beginning of November, we will begin a short film series. Several different films made in Israel will be shown on Sunday evenings and Tuesday afternoons. The films touch upon the issues of living with terrorism, the psychological impact on Israeli society of a heightened national defense, the long shadow of the Holocaust, the integration of European and North African Jewry, and the relevance of Jewish humor in the midst of all this.

Rabbi Mark Dov Shapiro will lead a series of three seminars on Israeli literature during January and February entitled: "Six for Sixty" exploring two essays, two poems and two short stories that launched Zionism and changed the Jewish world.

For more information, please contact Sinai Temple at 736-3619. You can also contact Laurie Weinberg, Adult Education Chair, at 599-1978.

© 2017/5777 Sinai Temple 1100 Dickinson St. Springfield Massachusetts 01108