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   Vote for ARZA

Voting Held January 13th through April 30th

A Message from Rabbi Shapiro

It's an election year!

As preparations are made for elections to the Israeli Knesset, we here at Sinai are preparing for our own election. We are being asked to vote for the American delegation that will be going to the World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem this coming October.

I am asking you specifically if you will vote for the ARZA slate that seeks to form as large a portion as possible of the American delegation. During the last election (2005), ARZA secured 39% or 56 out of the 145 seats on the American delegation. This year's goal is to secure 50% seats on the American delegation.


Why does this matter? What does ARZA mean?

It matters a great deal because ARZA stands for the Association of Reform Zionists of America. Placing Reform delegates on the American delegation to the Zionist Congress means that the voice of liberal Judaism will be heard more forcefully in Israel.


That means several things.

  1. More dollars become available for the creation of Reform synagogues in Israel.
  2. More dollars support Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem, which teaches the modern Judaism that we value so much.
  3. More influence in Israel means that the emissaries coming to the Diaspora aren't always Orthodox. Israeli Reform Jews can be sent to teach in the Diaspora.
  4. Policies can be changed. For example, stronger Reform influence last year led to initiatives calling on the Israeli government to establish egalitarian prayer at the Wall, to pass a marriage and civil divorce law and to prosecute Israelis who incite racism.

The American elections begin January 13. This truly is election season. Vote. It really matters for our future as Jews.


It's Your Time to Vote:

  • To learn more, read ARZA's One Page Summary of the Elections

  • For your questions about the elections (Why does ARZA matter? What should I do?), read
                Israel ARZA FAQs

  • Watch this four minute video on the election:




    © 2017/5777 Sinai Temple 1100 Dickinson St. Springfield Massachusetts 01108